I’m currently taking flying lessons towards my Private Pilot License. I decided to keep a meticulous record of all my expenses. In this post, I’ll detail the estimated costs for getting a pilot’s license in the DC/MD/VA metropolitan area in 2017. I’ll also itemize what I’ve spent so far, 11 flying hours into my journey. Continue reading →
Category / Other

2015 Pocket Year in Review
For the second year running, I finished the year in the Top 1% of Pocket readers worldwide. Of course, percentile rankings like these are useless without more data on Pocket’s users, many of whom I suspect downloaded the app but rarely use it. Even still, I’m a verifiable maniac when it comes to reading, fueled by Pocket and Kindle. Here’s the stats Pocket released for my “Year in Review”:
- 5,599,107: words read
- 119: books-equivalent
- 1,332,737: average words read by my Facebook and Twitter connections who use Pocket
- Most saved topics (Pocket’s categories): Current Events, Health, Travel, Sports, Education