A running list of articles and research that challenge my beliefs, or demonstrate unintended consequences. I would like to note that all of the excerpts are just as prone to biases as the original beliefs, so please do not stop at the excerpt– read the whole article to see if it really challenges your beliefs, too!
Category / Science & Tech
Civilization V Quotes
I’m not much of a video gamer. I’m stuck in a (virtuous) cycle of compounding disinterest: I don’t play many games, so I never gain the proficiency or patience to become a good gamer, which makes it harder to enjoy video games, which further discourages me from gaming, and so on. That’s not to say I don’t have my vices. I’m caught in my own peculiar cycle of consumption: reading longform and Wikipedia articles, which encourages me to read even more “for understanding and context”, which takes me to more articles; and the next thing I know, it’s the end of another glorious but wholly unproductive day.
I guess it makes sense, then, that the only video games I currently play are those that scratch some obscure intellectual itch. For the last six months, those have been Kerbal Space Program and Civilization V. I will surely write about my experiences with Kerbal in the future, but for now, I’d like to share one of my favorite little features of Civ5: the Technology and Wonder quotes. Continue reading →